A centre of Certified, Professional and Job Oriented Courses.
Hi-Tech ITI was established on April 10, 2001 with the main objective of developing a centre of excellence for providing computer education at the bhiwandi city in thane dist. of Maharashtra India. Our institute is moving forward on the path of success and achievement day by day. Graduates of our institute are earning good money as well as name and fame for thier family, society not only in the city but in our country as well as in foreign countries.
With all of your help and efforts, this institute has completed 20 years of success and is flying high in the sky of success. We hope, you will always co-operate us in future also to achieve our VISION and MISSION to make India a better place than ever
We want to bridge the gap between what IT industry demands from IT professinals and what is being taught in the conventional institutes.
The only purpose of Hi-Tech ITI is to make the skills of future young masons perfect so that they could work for nation and learn the manners to grow with people of fast growing world.